As a high-plains, mountainous state far above the sea level, Colorado doesn’t see significant flooding on a regular basis like Florida or Louisiana. But, flooding can happen, as we saw in 2013 when a cold front collided with Southern monsoon air, resulting in heavy rain and flooding taking place all the way from Colorado Springs up to Fort Collins in the North. Because Colorado is so far from the coast, and because flooding tends to result most frequently as a result of these sorts of conditions, it’s hard to pin down high-risk flood areas in Colorado. Although Colorado residents are generally at a lower risk than people in some states, there is a risk. The risk is not distributed evenly throughout the entire state, from Greeley, CO to Boulder, the risk is, while not insignificant, generally much lower in Colorado than in many states.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that flood insurance isn’t important if you want to cover your home in Greeley, CO. When you call Maanen Insurance Group, you’re looking to protect your home against what might happen, not what’s guaranteed to happen. With luck, you might never have to deal with flooding if you live in Colorado, but insurance is about being prepared.
Maanen Insurance Group can connect you with a policy that meets your needs and will protect you no matter what may happen to your home. While flooding isn’t the chief concern for Colorado homeowners in comparison to other risks, it is a risk, and being a homeowner means being prepared for anything that might happen no matter where you live.