Having home insurance is a very important part of protecting your investment, whether it is a house that you have just moved to or one you have lived in for some time. As soon as you buy or build your new Greeley, CO home, you will want to make sure you have the right level of insurance, and if you already have a policy, you need to know it is right for you. You can get that information through Maanen Insurance Group. Here are six things you should know before you buy.
- Home insurance doesn’t cover every possibility
- You may need additional coverage depending on exactly where you live
- You should review your coverage limits every year
- Your insurance agent is a great resource when you have questions
- Your mortgage lender may require a certain level of insurance
- You should make sure you understand your policy
Never be afraid to ask plenty of questions about your home insurance policy. Your agent should be happy to give you all the information you need and will work with you to make sure you know what you have, what is covered, and what you may need an additional policy for. With all of that in mind, you want to make sure you have an agent you can rely on. Not knowing who to turn to when you have insurance questions can be stressful and frustrating, but the right company and agent takes all of that stress away. Whether you need a new policy, have to make a claim, or just have a question, you want to know who to turn to.
When it comes to protecting your Greeley, CO home, rely on Maanen Insurance Group to provide what you need. Reach out to us today, and let us help you get the coverage options that are right for your home, so you can have peace of mind.